Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Undiscovered Artists of Etsy Team

I have been thinking about this post most of the night.

I want to tell you a bit about myself where I come from and why I dragged Teala and myself into this position and created this team....

The only thing is I don't want you to think I am blowing my own Trumpet... That would be so far from the truth...

So here goes.

Before I became a Etsy Shop owner, I was a promotional Manger for a Salon, by background is that of a hairdresser and salon owner.

I am also for the record British, me being here in the Sates is a totally another story so we wont go there.

When I first approached Teala about the idea of this team I never for one moment thought it would take of like it has two and we are at 65 members and counting, that blows me away and excites me all at the same time.

And its you guys we have to thank for that cause its YOU who makes up this team and it is YOU who will make it succeed.

You should all be really proud of now is the time to pat yourself on the back and say "Well done"

I am all about TEAM, I am in now ways in this for myself, being a business owner for many years I know that without the people around you you cant get anywhere.

I am also all about promoting ... I will always find ways to move things along and get my face out there.

And that means If I'm doing it your coming with me, so you better be ready for the ride of your life.

I am slightly crazy if you hadn't already realized this .... I'm driven by an unknown force that says "You will not fail"
I also love to blog, cause I believe blogging gets you out into a place that gets you noticed..... 
I have been blogging for about 8 months now and I have a personal blog that has a fairly good following ...

Having a personal blog and a business blog allows me to promote my shop in more than one place and also gives me totally different and diverse followers.

I have also meet some wonderful people that have pushed me along and given me ideas that may be I would not have come up with along... see having people around you moves you along in away that maybe you wouldn't move along if you where by yourself....

This blog will be a small key to your success call this home and our team page our backyard ....

On this blog we will get to know each other so well that you will feel like you have meet each other face to face.

If you have the ability to Social Network you have the ability to get your face and work out there.... its key to your success...

If your reading this and thinking but I don't have a blog .... I don't know what to blog about... I have no idea how to even get started then ask for help.

I am more than willing to help anyone get set up and give them ideas on what to do... Ill even make you a blog header for your site .... what I cant do is blog for you cause as you may have noticed I'm running three blogs now and boy believe me that's some going.

If you see me post a discussion that says "You are Invited to" you can pretty much guess its a promotion a place where you just may get noticed....

I guess that's whats good about me and Teala she has learn so much about Treasury's and BnR's ...and the fact that she is so willing to share her knowledge with us is a blessing..she is also goal driven... and loves to see others achieve goals as well as achieving her own goals.
me I'm your promotion guru...I love to promote and see others get their shops seen.

So here are some promotions for you guys to go check out if you haven't already 

Petite Hermine ..... she invites you to add your Etsy shop
DaSSanaDeZines  a fellow team member invites you to submit your story behind your shop and your name. You will also have the chance of being a featured seller.

Here on The Undiscovered I will be picking one of you each week to be a featured seller so be ready I could be pouncing on you pretty soon.

On Saturday I will post about Blogging ideas and places where you can link up with others and get yourself out there.....

If you know of any promotional sites that we as a team can get involved with ... post a comment with the link

Well I'm signing of now and I just hope I didn't bore you all to death


  1. Thanks so much for setting up this team Rachel and Teala~ :)

    You may know about the Etsy giveaway site already, i think it's a great way to promote giveaways for free~ :)

  2. Great information I will be on the look out for your blogging ideas. Once upon a time I signed up for word press and blogger but that's all I did.Never blogged didn't have a clue on what to blog or how to get noticed.So this sounds really good to me.

  3. Nice Bon ..I didn't know about thats site Ill be sure to check it out thanks

  4. ya thanks for that site Bon I just started a promotions page for newbie etsy shops on my blog, its brand new so somebody gets to be the first......

  5. thats awesome Odd..Ill be sure to add my shop to that...

  6. Rachel you struck me with "You will not fail". You are a talented gal and we are very lucky to have you as leaders of the group. I am not actively selling now but I am certainly absorbing all the knowledge I can and I am willing to help on anything that is needed in the group! I am getting on this bus for a long trip with y'all! Cheers for the good things to come in this 2011!

  7. Thanks guys your comments are much appreciate...
    Charlot ..I may just take you up on that help offer...

  8. Thanks to you, Rachel and to Teala as well. I think that together we are an unbelievable force to reckon with, where as by ourselves we are just one and easy to be pushed aside. Thank you for wanting to put your efforts into this and I think it is safe to say that those of us that are joining you have the same energy and goals that you 2 have. Happy New Year and may we all have a profitable 2011!

  9. Thank you for this post...I feel so encouraged for your words and so excited to be part of this team!

  10. This is really inspirational!

    Guys, we also have a facebook page, we have just started but we will be expanding... it's called Love, promote and support handmade. anybody can join and you could also promote your blogs and shops there. Everybody is welcome!


Thank You for your comment, we do read every one and truly appreciate your time