Wednesday, June 29, 2011
It's Wednesday, Get Your Treasury On!
Check back Friday to vote. The winner will be featured on The Undiscovered blog on Monday!
The rest of the rules are as follows:
1) One item per shop
2) Spread the love...please don't include an item from your own shop
3) Include at least 8 undiscovered shops (20 sales or less)
4) Include at least 6 members of of Team Undiscovered (we use the tag teamundiscovered). Team members can count as undiscovered shops if they have 20 sales or less.
-The rest of the items are up to you today!
5) Include the tags: teamundiscovered, undiscovered
6) Include 'Team Undiscovered Challenge' somewhere in your treasury title
7) Write in your treasury description that you're participating in the Wednesday Team Undiscovered Treasury Challenge & include a link to our blog:
8) Post your treasury's URL here to enter your treasury in the challenge!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Let's All Congratulate Snucky, This Week's Challenge Winner!
This weeks winning Treasury White Light and Flowers was the one you voted for which makes this weeks winner Snucky
We asked Snucky about her self and her shop along with some other questions is what she had to say.
8 x 10 Print Wizard of Oz Tin Man Fairytale Painting
I've always been pretty creative, I remember forcing myself to eat about 50 Kit Kats when I was a child in order to make a giant silver cardboard robot because I didn't know that foil could be bought in rolls. The robot had a door in its chest in which I'd made a scrolling 'television' screen out of a roll of paper and two tubes - an ingenious feat I don't think I've matched again yet.
Since then I studied art at school and after a few years of having no clue where I was headed (including working in a card shop, a call center and selling wills, bleurgh?) I ended up on an Illustration degree which I love, and about a month ago I began selling on Etsy (or perhaps, 'set up my Etsy shop' would be more accurate, as I haven't sold a thing yet).
My favorite materials to use are definitely gouache paints, because I love how bright and opaque they are, etch printing, because of its lovely wispy texture, and I have just started using felt to make 3D toys because it turns out I like to sew too.
I think my personal style revolves around things which make me happy when I make them; I'm quite a fan of big-eye art, bright colors and tangible little things which can grow to have sentimental value - like the toys I'm making now. I like things which I can get my hands involved with because it makes me feel like I've been able to put my stamp on what I'm making.
I get a lot of inspiration from fairy tales and the fantastical worlds they create. I think there is a saying that "reality is never as good as fantasy"; that may not actually be true, but fantasy is pretty blooming good in my opinion. I've had a very vivid imagination since childhood, which came in handy when playing 'maid and princess' with my sister when we were young (my imagination made sure I was a very convincing princess you see).
Now that I'm older, my imagination makes sure I have enough new ideas to keep on with what I love (although, like everyone else I do occasionally have very frustrating moments of having zilch ideas or motivation).
What are my plans for the future? Ooh I have no idea (see, it's one of those moments). I know what I'd love to do; I'd love to make a full time living from making wonderful art I enjoy and selling it on Etsy, but whether or not that will happen, only time will tell.
Aside from Etsy, my life is full up with animals and books. I live in a little rented house with my partner, Chris, who is studying to be an architect, our three dogs, Toby, Jack and Daisy, and two tortoises, Matilda and Ingrid. And we have four very full bookshelves, three of which belong to me :)
I love to write and have a blog which I update a lot. I would really love it if anyone would like to follow it. You can find it at;
And that's pretty much me. x
Snucky;s Etsy shop can be found here go pay her a visit and spread the love
This week's theme is 'Easy Living'. Remember this can mean anything to you ...get creative and have fun...
Come back tomorrow to read the rules and link up
Saturday, June 25, 2011
It's Saturday, Get Your Vote ON!
It's time to vote! Voting will be open until Sunday. The winner will be featured on Monday's Blog!
The four finalists this week are:
Treats for the Lonely and notsoLonely! (172 views)
Green is the Colour. Creativity is the Game. (121 views)
White Light and Flowers (112 views)
Shades of Summer (87 views)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
It's Wednesday, Get Your Treasury ON!
Check back Friday to vote. The winner will be featured on The Undiscovered blog on Monday!
The rest of the rules are as follows:
1) One item per shop
2) Spread the love...please don't include an item from your own shop
3) Include at least 8 undiscovered shops (20 sales or less)
4) Include at least 6 members of of Team Undiscovered (we use the tag teamundiscovered). Team members can count as undiscovered shops if they have 20 sales or less.
-The rest of the items are up to you today!
5) Include the tags: teamundiscovered, undiscovered
6) Include 'Team Undiscovered Challenge' somewhere in your treasury title
7) Write in your treasury description that you're participating in the Wednesday Team Undiscovered Treasury Challenge & include a link to our blog:
8) Post your treasury's URL here to enter your treasury in the challenge!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Let's All Congratulate nobakecakes, This Week's Challenge Winner!

Friday, June 17, 2011
It's Friday, Get Your Vote On!
It's time to vote! Voting will be open until Sunday. The winner will be featured on Monday's Blog!
The four finalists this week are:
Road Trip (117 views)
VACATION--fiesta! siesta! beach! shop! (107 views)
African Safari - My Dream Vacation (93 views)
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! (83 views)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
It's Wednesday, Get Your Treasury ON!
Check back Friday to vote. The winner will be featured on The Undiscovered blog on Monday!
The rest of the rules are as follows:
1) One item per shop
2) Spread the love...please don't include an item from your own shop
3) Include at least 8 undiscovered shops (20 sales or less)
4) Include at least 6 members of of Team Undiscovered (we use the tag teamundiscovered). Team members can count as undiscovered shops if they have 20 sales or less.
-The rest of the items are up to you today!
5) Include the tags: teamundiscovered, undiscovered
6) Include 'Team Undiscovered Challenge' somewhere in your treasury title
7) Write in your treasury description that you're participating in the Wednesday Team Undiscovered Treasury Challenge & include a link to our blog:
8) Post your treasury's URL here to enter your treasury in the challenge!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Let's all congratulate Hundchen, this week's winner!

You voted, and you decided that Hundchen's heavenly treasury Our Father is this week's winner!
I asked Natalie, shop owner of Hundchen, to tell me more about herself and her Etsy shop.
'I started creating very recently, but I think it runs in my blood. My mom owns her own jewelry shop, [which] is the reason I got into Etsy... I decided to gear my craft towards dogs because I've always felt a strong connection and love for our four-legged friends.'
'I love being able to give back to animals in need by selling something that I enjoy making!' At Hundchen, 25% of each sale (including shipping) is donated to the Humane Society of Utah, a local no-kill shelter. And, until the end of June, an additional 25% will be donated to Etsian, ClaudiaBruno's animal rescue Calliope Rescue in Boston, MA.
'I wanted to make items that would fit any occasion and anyone's personal style. I lived in Hollywood for a while and always saw people and their dogs dress[ed] alike, going out in style. I wanted to make that option available for people without [having to spend] an arm and a leg at a Hollywood dog boutique.'
'My favorite things to work with are dog booties! I love being able to make something unique that you can't buy anywhere [else]. I start[ed] with a base pair of booties and [have] grow from there. I've recently started branching out into hats and accessories as well.'
'It's hard to categorize my work with just one genre. One day I'll be making cutsie pink dog shirts and the next day I'll make a steampunk top hat! I absolutely love doing custom work for people, so if you have any ideas in mind, let me know!'
'In the future I hope to be able to expand my inventory. I am trying to branch out into areas that are neglected and help cater to every need and desire.'
Check out Natalie's creations for your fashionable furry friends at her Etsy shop Hundchen, and help support some good causes too!
Want to be featured next week? Then make sure you play with us on Wednesday when the treasury theme will be I need a vacation! Anyone can play & get creative with the theme, it can mean anything to you! Just remember to wait till Wednesday to make your treasury so it'll count!
Friday, June 3, 2011
It's Friday, Get Your Vote ON!
Who do you think is the big daddy of treasury making? It's time to vote! Voting will be open until Sunday. The winner will be featured on Monday's Blog!
The four finalists this week are:
Our Father (164 views)
Whoa Daddy - A Diverse and Fabulous Gift Guide (101 views)
Father for the Ages (80 views)
Daddy Fell Into The Pond! (62 views)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
It's Wednesday, Get Your Treasury On!
Check back Friday to vote. The winner will be featured on The Undiscovered blog on Monday!
The rest of the rules are as follows:
1) One item per shop
2) Spread the love...please don't include an item from your own shop
3) Include at least 8 undiscovered shops (20 sales or less)
4) Include at least 6 members of of Team Undiscovered (we use the tag teamundiscovered). Team members can count as undiscovered shops if they have 20 sales or less.
-The rest of the items are up to you today!
5) Include the tags: teamundiscovered, undiscovered
6) Include 'Team Undiscovered Challenge' somewhere in your treasury title
7) Write in your treasury description that you're participating in the Wednesday Team Undiscovered Treasury Challenge & include a link to our blog:
8) Post your treasury's URL here to enter your treasury in the challenge!